Condensation is a common problem…

Condensation is a common problem, particularly in rental properties or properties of multiple occupancy. Condensation is a black mould/white fur which can ‘spore’ and create health problems. The cause is generally a lack of adequate ventilation and a warm moist atmosphere. This creates condensation on the colder external walls, particularly corners, and eventually leads to mould growth.

We naturally create moisture in our everyday lives – from the obvious sources such are boiling the kettle, cooking, washing & bathing to the less obvious sources such as breathing and talking. Problems do vary across households due to differing lifestyles.

By following a few simple and logical steps condensation can be cured:-

    1. Initially wipe the mould away with warm soapy water followed by bleach on a damp cloth.
    2. Regulate the heating to a lower, but constant temperature using the thermostat (rather than two hours on a morning and two at night)
    3. Open windows regularly or leave on a breather latch.
    4. Fit extractor fans to the kitchen & bathroom(s) and ensure that these are always used with an over-run period.
    5. Cavity wall insulation and loft insulation will also help to ease the situation, grants are available for both.
    6. Do not dry washing indoors on radiators or a clothes airer – only use a tumble dryer that is ducted to the outside or a condensing dryer.
    7. Install a de-humidifier with a humidistat. This must be left on to be efficient and not just used on odd days.

If the problem persists after 6 – 8 weeks, please ring our office and book an appointment for our surveyor to visit and advise further.

We can offer a range of specialist products to help control the build-up of condensation at your property, such as heat recovery ventilators and positive pressure units. Typically, these range from £800 – £1500 (incl. VAT), installed.

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If you’re in need of expert damp proofing assistance, CS Damp Proofing is here to help. Our experienced team of licenced damp proofing specialists provides a full range of services to customers across Yorkshire. BACKED BY GUARANTEE our Specialist works are covered long term by independent insurers.

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